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Pre-enroll today! Course launches January 1st, 2022!
Introduction to the basic economics of creative industries, focusing on unique ways music works as an industry in the U.S. and abroad, how power has shifted but still is held in musical oligopolies, and where career opportunities for musicians and other industry professionals will be in the next five to 10 years for students.
The goals of the class aren’t to teach you the pre-2020 past or give you definitive answers to 2022-2025 for your careers and creative directions. The learning goals are to give you tools to thrive and engage with these changing environments, no matter the direction you may head in music and in life. This is a meta-learning experience: learning to learn as we head into diverse and changing futures. Yet to learn about the future, you will need to deeply engage in the present and the past, including into power processes and regulation, locally, nationally, and internationally.